Keeping It Israel
Keeping It Israel
Jeff Talks to Pastors Mike and Logan on the podcast "Forgiven" about the Importance of Israel for Christians and the Work of FCF
During Jeff and Sharon's Israel Prayer Watch Tour visiting Churches across Canada, Jeff was interviewed by Pastor Mike Gordon and Pastor Logan Teetaert of Bethel Christian Assembly in Brandon Manitoba, on their podcast, "Forgiven." The podcast turned out great and Jeff was able to answer some tough questions about Israel and the Jewish people, so we thought we'd share it with our audience. We pray that your faith is enriched and your understanding of Israel grows as you listen!
First Century Foundations is a Charity that supports ministries in Jerusalem and many other parts of the country of Israel. Our mission is to turn hearts around the world toward the land, people and God of Israel. LEARN MORE ABOUT US HERE.
If you enjoy our podcast, please consider supporting the show HERE so that our Bible-based message about Israel can continue. God blesses those who bless Israel! We agree with God's Word that He will bless you richly in return!