Keeping It Israel
Keeping It Israel
Settling the "Settler" Question: An Interview with Sondra Baras, International President of CFOIC Israel
In this interview, Jeff talks to Sondra Baras about the legitimacy of the Jewish claim to the Land of Israel, and in particular, the area referred to as "The West Bank". Sondra explains why the "West Bank" should only be called "Judea and Samaria" and she unpacks why it is inappropriate to refer to her - or anyone else in her community - as a "Settler" because of the legal and biblical right all Jews have - and have always had - to the heartland of Israel.
Sondra Oster Baras is an Orthodox Jew, born and raised in the US. She and her husband moved to Israel in 1984, and shortly thereafter, she became an active spokes-person for the communities of Judea and Samaria.
In 1998, Sondra Baras founded CFOIC Heartland, a Christian organization which focuses exclusively on the communities in the heartland of Biblical Israel. CFOIC Heartland raises funds for these communities,and they are the primary resource for connecting Christians from all over the world to the people of Biblical Israel. In September 2023, Sondra Oster Baras retired as Director of CFOIC-Israel and assumed the position of International President. She and her husband Edward raised five children in Karnei Shomron, where they still reside today. In her spare time, Baras enjoys spending time with her grandchildren, and studies and teaches Bible, her greatest passion.
First Century Foundations is a Charity that supports ministries in Jerusalem and many other parts of the country of Israel. Our mission is to turn hearts around the world toward the land, people and God of Israel. LEARN MORE ABOUT US HERE.
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