Keeping It Israel
Keeping It Israel
Battle For Truth 2024 Podcast Series Highlights - Exposing the TRUTH About Israel's War
Happy New Year! Welcome to 2025!
To kick off the new year we have compiled a podcast consisting of some major highlights from 2024's, "BATTLE FOR TRUTH" series. Throughout the series, we tackled some of the misinformation out there about Israel with several guests who specialized on the topic! In this podcast you will hear some of the most profound truths we gleaned from these awesome and well-informed guests who exposed so much truth that is important to know about Israel's war in Gaza.
Just some of the questions tackled in this compilation of highlights are: What is Truth? Is Zionism Racism? Is Israel committing genocide in Gaza? Why doesn't the world care about the genocide and slavery in Africa? Was the Hamas attack on Israel Islamic Jihad? How do Palestinians feel about Hamas? What does the Koran say about the Jews? What does Amalek and Haman have to do with Iran? What does the word "Hamas" mean in Hebrew? Who is Indigenous to the Land of Israel? What does archaeology say about Jewish history in the Land of Israel? Are today's Jews related to the ancient Jewish people in the Bible? And where should Christians stand in Israel's war?
Guests in this 2024 mash up include:
Melissa Briggs - Hebrew Teacher. Melissa is an incredible Christian woman who stands with Israel and has spent the last couple decades of her life learning the Hebrew language and teaching it to Christians to help them understand the Bible better: https://explorehebrew.thinkific.com/courses/Beginners
Monique Beadle - Human Rights Attorney and Director of US Policy and Advocacy at the Jerusalem Institute of Justice: https://jij.org
Andrew Tucker - International Lawyer and Director of The Hague Initiative for International Cooperation (think.) https://www.thinc-israel.org
Dr. Charles Jacobs - President of the African Jewish Alliance https://africanjewishalliance.org
Harun Ibrahim - Director of Al Hayat Ministries https://www.alhayat.org/about
Bob O'Dell - Author of "Five Years with Orthodox Jews" and Co-Founder of Root Source https://root-source.com
Ze'ev Orenstein - Director of International Affairs at City of David Foundation https://cityofdavid.org.il/en/
Michael Freund - Chairman of Shavei Israel https://www.shavei.org
Joshua and Caleb Colson (AKA "The Bearded Bible Brothers") - hosts of "Our Jewish Roots" https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzYeIGJe3t288BLRL-KlQQQ
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