Keeping It Israel

Donna Holbrook Talks About How a Tragedy in Her Life Bloomed into Compassion & Love for Israel

Jeff Futers Season 2 Episode 23

In this heart-felt episode of "Keeping it Israel" Jeff Futers, Executive Director of First Century Foundations interviews Donna Holbrook, the National Director of The International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem (ICEJ) Canada. Donna talks about how a tragedy in her life led to a deep compassion and love for Israel and the Jewish people. The 2 fellow-Canadians connect over their shared passion for Israel and how critical it is for Christians – and especially future Church leaders – to go to, and be educated about Israel. Donna explains how going to Israel -  over 50 times now - has changed the way she reads and understands the Bible. And she asks a very good question: “How is it that a person can go through Bible college; study the Bible… preach from the Bible and never be in the land of the Bible?”

First Century Foundations is a Charity that supports ministries in Jerusalem and many other parts of the country of Israel. Our mission is to turn hearts around the world toward the land, people and God of Israel. PLEASE SUPPORT THE SHOW HERE.

To learn more about The International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem CLICK HERE.
To learn more about First Century Foundations CLICK HERE.
To learn more about our December 2021 Tour to Israel CLICK HERE. 

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